Hottest Photos of Tim Howards Stunning girlfriend Nora Segura

Half Swedish and Spanish Model and upcoming Actress, currently located in Los Angeles. Lived in Stockholm, Marbella, London and Paris. Fluent in four languages.

Completed 2 years of full time method Acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute in Los Angeles. Nora is a comedian at heart and uses her social media as an outlet where she mixes reality and fiction with various jokes. Her personality and popularity has gotten the attention by major filmmakers in the industry for upcoming movie roles.

Being successful as a model in marketing different brands (like Perrier, Kerastase, Defend Paris,) Nora is now in the process of producing her own line of clothing and accessories.

Nora describes herself as a 'Hippie Child'. She's raised by young parents working in Alternative Medicine. Her father is a Buddhist that taught her from early age be positive and how to take care of her body and mind.

"I'm a believer in having fun and going for your dreams!" - Nora Segura

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